Tape Face
Don’t miss TAPE FACE in concert Thursday, March 8th – 8:00 p.m. His show will be at The Egyptian Room at Old National Centre (This is a Seated Show).
About Tape Face
Every once in a while, something magical reminds us that we all have an inner child that must be fed. Through simple, clever and charming humour aimed at satisfying that hunger, Tape Face has created one of the most accessible and enjoyable shows the world has ever seen. Mime with noise, stand-up with no talking, drama with no acting. Tape Face has to be seen to be believed. So what does he do exactly? Well, simply mentioning any aspect of this diverse show would be a disservice – the less you know the more you will enjoy this show. Tape Face is a character with universal appeal. Delightful, wry, many-layered and hilarious, he transcends the barriers of language and culture. You’ll laugh, you’ll scream and ultimately end up like Tape Face – lost for words.
Tickets and information
On Sale Now!
Price: $32.50 reserved seating
For more information, visit wwwtapeface.tv/the-boy.