Rock/Paper/Scissors Indy City Championship
The Rock Paper Scissors Indy City Championship will take place on Saturday July 29, 2017 at HI-FI in Fountain Square. Thirty-two teams will go head-to-head in a knock-down drag-out tournament of arbitrary sport – Rock Paper Scissors. The winner will take home the grand prize of $500 and bragging rights as the Indy RPS Champion. The event is hosted by Dorgan & Milroy Muncie, best known as hosts of Indy’s Burlesque Bingo. Spectators are encouraged to attend and participate in side matches throughout the event. Spectator tickets are $5. Team registration is almost full for this year’s event. To enter your team, visit the registration page. HI-FI is located at 1043 Virginia Ave. Suite 4, Indianapolis, IN.
Summary of details
Saturday, July 29, 2017 – 6 pm
Pabst Blue Ribbon & present
PBR Rock Paper Scissors Indy City Championship
Hosted by: Dorgan & Milroy Muncie
HI-FI: 1043 Virginia Ave Suite 4 Indianapolis, IN
Important Links
Team Registration: $25 |
Spectator Tickets: $5 |
Info & official rules:
Promo video:
This event follows the official RPS Tournament Rules and the only acceptable “throws” for this event are Rock, Paper and Scissor. All team members and spectators must be 21 years of age or older to enter. Four person teams compete in head-to-head team matches with winners advancing to the next round.
Available prizes
A limited amount of team registrations are still available for $25 per four-person team.
- 1st Place Team = $500 Cash & RPS City Championship Trophy
- 2nd Place Team = $250 Cash
- Best Dressed Team = $100 Cash
- RPS Street Play Winner = $100 Cash and a $50 Bar Tab at HI-FI